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Partner with Us

Lifespan strives to partner with owner-operators and executives who want to transform entrepreneurial businesses into professionally managed category leaders. 

We invest capital, industry knowledge, relationships and resources to substantially increase the value of the company and expand a pool of potential buyers at exit.

Lifespan identifies human resource enhancements and develops incentive compensation programs for key personnel. We develop standardized processes and KPIs, implement financial discipline, controls, and reporting, and deploy technology systems to automate and accelerate critical processes. Lastly, we identify and finance strategic acquisitions and compelling organic growth initiatives. 

For Business Owners

Congratulations on all of your success in building a business you've always wanted to build. Even better, you got to do it with your family, friends, and employees who have become your close friends. Perhaps you were a good steward of a family business passed onto you and you took it to the next level. Well done!!

As you look to maybe pass the baton, the next generation has their hearts set on different opportunities than your family business. You are starting to think maybe it's time for you to do the same. But you don't have the successor and the business could use some tiding up before you retire to maximize the sale value for your family.


We are here to help. Lifespan Equity sponsors Family Successions and Business Buyouts. We'll get involved early and discretely, listen about improvement opportunities, plan together for the future, and find an experienced and appropriate successor. Whom you choose to take over at the helm impacts your legacy, but also your family members, employees, customers, suppliers, and your community. We'll take the baton and keep building where you left off.           

News Reading

For Entrepreneurs 

Being your own boss and the architect of your own destiny is what you always wanted. You set out to build your business and you did it! You are not done though. You are aiming for the new heights even though your business has achieved financial success, recognition from customers, employees, family, and even your local community.

Sometimes it feels you could use a few more talented men and women to own the sales, HR, finance, IT, you name it - there is plenty to go around as you currently wear many hats. There are times it feels uneasy to double-down financially and potentially risk what you've built by making new investments in the business and the team. When you are especially ambitious you wish you could acquire that competitor that you have come to both, respect  and wish to beat.  

We can make it happen together. Lifespan Equity sponsors full or partial Recapitalizations. You can take some money off the table, still stay in charge of leading your business, but gain an experienced partner to co-invest with you and share in the future risks and rewards.

Smiling Businesswoman

For Management Teams

You've been managing the business for a while. You have a good team that works well together, but none of you own significant equity interest in the business. It's not for lack of your interest though. The business is majority owned by a passive owner not involved with the business who does not want to change things. After all the cash he pays you is pretty good and you manage the business in a very stable and predictable way. Why change anything, right? 

The absentee owner takes large cash dividends several times a year, as is their right, but this drains the business you operate of capital you could use to keep growing. You know there are opportunities to serve more customers, but there is no excess cash left to fund the growth. As a result the business is flat to modestly growing and the profit interests you receive are predictable. But what if you could make an offer to the owner to buy the business and put all of your good ideas to work while having a growth-minded and patient partner?

Lifespan Equity sponsors Management Buyouts and Corporate Carveouts and would be honored to speak with you about the opportunity to acquire the business together, provide appropriate incentives for the management, and the capital to fund the growth.        

Team meeting


You've climbed the corporate ladder and invested significant time in leadership positions being responsible for P&L success and livelihoods of your employees. You made it as a proven corporate leader - congratulations!

Perhaps you are ready to take on a new challenge? Something a bit more entrepreneurial without completely starting over? 

Lifespan Equity offers Executive Partnership program that connects talented executives with significant co-investment capital to execute attractive Buyout and Industry Consolidation opportunities where you'll serve as CEO post-acquisition.   

Businessman Thinking

For Intermediaries

Intermediaries who bring investment opportunities to our attention are critical to our success. We have the same partnership mindset with intermediaries as we do with business owners, entrepreneurs, management teams, and operating partners. 

We are committed to:

1-give feedback

2-submit timely IOI

3-do significant diligence pre-LOI

4-be focused on post-LOI diligence

5-keep everyone informed throughout

6-close on time

7-close at our LOI value  

Making Notes
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